Here are some photos from a lovely night away July 27-28, 2010 in Toronto. It was "Stitch & Pitch" night, this year's event hosted by The Purple Purl. I had a wonderful time watching the Toronto Blue Jays play the Balitimore Orioles and sitting in the stadium with other knitters and enjoying knittalk, sharing yarn and showing off what we were working on or had completed. I enjoyed meeting Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (who threw the opening pitch for the game). Before leaving Toronto, my two friends and I visited three yarn shops in Toronto and then happily headed home with fresh yarn and exhilerated spirits.
1. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and myself.

This is the bar at the Rogers Centre where we stayed. It directly looks over the baseball field and you can watch the live action!

3. My friends who I travelled with to Toronto.

4. & 5. Showing off finished projects. These were done by the knitters sitting behind me.

6. & 7. The game and the action. The Blue Jays beat the Baltimore Orioles 8 - 2.

8. The Purple Purl yarn shop, one of three yarn shops that we visited.
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